Civil Society Statements

Below are some statements made by civil society organizations and other societal actors on solar geoengineering, including outdoor experimentation.

December, 2023
Climate action network

Information Sheet on Solar Radiation Modification (SRM)

Information sheet by Climate Action Network (CAN) on Debunking Dangerous Distractions: Solar Radiation Modification (SRM)

July, 2023
The Maastricht Principles on the Human Rights of Future Generations

Rights of Future Generations

In 2017, a group of legal and human rights experts from around the world undertook a six-year process to examine the landscape of human rights law as it applies to the human rights of future generations. They drew from more than a century of legal research, international treaties, national constitutions and legislation, the knowledge of Indigenous Peoples from every continent, doctrines from major faith traditions representing the majority of the world’s people, and consultations with members of key social movements and more than 200 experts spanning a wide array of legal and philosophical disciplines. The result is the Maastricht Principles on the Human Rights of Future Generations. Principle 19 makes a reference to geoengineering.

March, 2023
Don't geoengineer africa

Don’t Geoengineer Africa: A Warning Call from African Civil Society Organizations

Open letter from African environmental organisationsall African Heads of State and Ministers judging the insertion of geoengineering on the agenda of the upcoming preparatory expert meeting for the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) as a dangerous attempt by pro-geoengineers to use AMCEN and exploit Africa to advance “one of the most controversial technologies conceivable”.

February, 2021

Regarding SCoPEx plans for test flights at the Swedish Space Corporation in Kiruna

Open letter from Swedish environmental organisations and the Saami Council, representing Saami indigenous peoples’ organisations in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia, to the SCoPEx Advisory Committee regarding SCoPEx plans for test flights at the Swedish Space Corporation in Kiruna, Sweden.

September, 2019

Position on Solar Radiation Modification (SRM)

Climate Action Network (CAN) is the world’s largest network of civil society organizations working together to promote government action to address the climate crisis, with more than 1500 members in over 130 countries.

October, 2018
Geoengineering Monitor

Manifesto Against Geoengineering